A Crim Film Movie
Coming Soon!
In a world where deception lurks behind every corner, “Hurt People Hurt People” follows the journey of a young girl, Ari, who is swept off her feet by the charming yet dangerous Chris. Ari, encouraged by her best friend Stacy, to hook up with Chris, bribed by his luxurious gifts, Ari soon discovers that Chris affection masks a dark reality as he drags her into a life of drugs, abuse, & illness. Stacy’s hidden jealousy for her best friend explodes!
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About A Crim Film
At Crim Film's, we strive to deliver movies that captivate audiences and leave them wanting more. Our focus on creating drama-filled, action-packed movies sets us apart from other movie production companies. We are dedicated to bringing our unique vision to life on-screen while providing a one-of-a-kind experience for our viewers. Whether you're a fan of classic movies or looking for something new and exciting, we've got you covered.